The Customer Connection initiative is one of the core initiatives from the SAP development team to ensure a 360 degree review of the product and solution that are developed by SAP and are in productive maintenance cycle. With this program customers get the chance to provide feedback about day to day irritants in the regular usage of the productive solution. For many of such minor irritants SAP provides a non-disruptive way to resolve them, typically using SAP notes. In a regular interval various topics are selected for such improvements. It’s your chance to participate and raise your voice to improve the plant maintenance solution. Access further details about this topic here: or
(Please note that you have to register to access this page. Selection and implementation of any suggestions is at discretion of the SAP development team. Please refer to the detailed description within the customer connection initiative page.)
The following web based events are open to all ASUG members to get a view about this program and they will introduce to this topic. If you belong to some other user group and want to have a similar event in your region, please contact or
- 21st of Oct at 12:00 to 1:00 PM (EST) . Arranged by ASUG
Title: Customer Connection for EAM Plant Maintenance (2014) Introduction to Customer Connection Focus Topic project
- 30th of Oct at 1:00 to 2:00 PM (EST): Arranged by ASUG
Title: Recharge your EAM solution by contributing for Customer Connection 2014
- 7th November (Whole day event) Planned and Managed by Canadian users
Title: SAP Plant Maintenance Day of Sharing - Learn, Share and Collaborate
Please contact Hemant Rathod ( in case of further questions.